
Disruption and congestion set to return to box shipping

  As the climate disruption in Panama and the spread of the Middle East conflict restricts the flow of trade on both the Pacific and Asia to Europe services rates are expected to sharply increase on both routes. Panama Canal disruption is caused by low water levels due to the lack rainfall, caused by El Nino and climate change, restricting transits by a third to just 24 a day. Some vessels on the Pacific have shifted operations via the Suez Canal to reach the US east coast, only to find Houthi missiles also blocking this route.

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Δείκτης απόδοσης Logistics: Ποιος είναι Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής; Lesen Sie mehr unter: https://trans.info/de/logistics-performance-index-2023-338087

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Προχωρά την πώληση της DB Schenker η Deutsche Bahn. Στους πιθανούς “μνηστήρες” DSV, DHL, CMA CGM

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